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The Foot Institute – Edmonton
An Independent Associated Practice of Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons

TOLL FREE: 1-877-444-3668
Edmonton: 780-444-3668
Calgary: 403-242-3668

Overview edmonton Alberta

About Us Overview


Our Clinics

Podiatry edmonton, Alberta

The Foot Institute is an association of Doctors specializing in the medical treatment of the foot and ankle, and is one of the largest groups of foot specialists in Alberta.

The Foot Institute is dedicated to the medical and surgical treatment of the foot. Our mandate is to provide the best possible medical, surgical and preventative treatment available for our patients. We do this by providing well-trained Doctors who are committed to treat and prevent all types of foot pain, biomechanical disorders, as well as all other problems relating to the feet.

The Foot Institute has over 25+ conveniently located clinics (See Clinics for locations, directions, dates and contact information.) all staffed with caring, competent and professional individuals who are committed to increase the quality of life for our patients.

Did You Know?

"Children should be screened for foot problems before Age 7. These problems can often be corrected before they become serious. "

Book An Appointment

Our Team In Numbers


Doctors, Nurses & Staff
to serve you!


Years in Business


Foot Clinics
located near you


of Happy Patients